====== Craft Robo Cutter - Graphtec CC220-20 ====== {{:equipment:mainroom:graphtec_craft_robo_cutter.jpg?nolink|}} The official software is Silhouette Studio from [[http://www.silhouetteamerica.com/software]] however you have to pay for SVG support, and it does not support Linux. Or you can use one of the following alternatives, which are all free, open source, cross-platform and support SVG. They are based on reverse engineering the Silhouette USB protocol so might be slightly buggier than Silhouette Studio. * [[https://robocut.org/|Robocut]] * [[https://github.com/fablabnbg/inkscape-silhouette/|Inkscape-Silhouette]] which lets you cut directly from Inkscape * [[https://www.codelv.com/projects/inkcut/|Inkcut]] You can use it to make customs T-Shirts, bags, signs, do glass etching and more. If you need help see John Davis, or Tim Hutt (who wrote Robocut).