====== 8 channel Logic Analyser ====== {{:equipment:electronics:measurement:logic_analyser.jpg?nolink&400|}} ===== Instructions ===== This works with [[https://sigrok.org/wiki/Main_Page|Sigrok]]. PulseView is the Sigrok's GUI, which can be downloaded from [[https://sigrok.org/wiki/Downloads|here]]. === Location === Miscellaneous hand tools drawer on the right hand side electronics bench. === Basic Guidelines === * Be aware of what you're trying to measure, to avoid damaging the scope or your circuit. === Useful links === [[https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/using-the-usb-logic-analyzer-with-sigrok-pulseview/all|Sparkfun]] has a getting started tutorial. ---- === 16ch Logic Analyser - DSLogic Plus === The 16ch logic analyser is currently (Feb 2025) missing. {{:equipment:electronics:dslogicplus.jpg?600|}} {{ :equipment:electronics:measurement:dslogic_plus_datasheet.pdf |DSLogic plus datasheet}}