====== Laser Cutter induction notes ====== These are the induction notes for the Laser Cutter. Ask the members after each section if they have understood and if they have any questions so far. ===== Health and Safety ===== Explain the hazards to anyone nearby and the mitigations: * Class 4 laser. Safety interlock in lid that must not be bypassed. * Risk of fire. * Do not leave the laser cutter unattended. * Point out location of fire extinguisher. * Emergency stop on the laser cutter. * Hazardous fumes. Let the extractor work for at least 10 seconds before opening the door. Explain the hazards to the equipment itself: * Only cut approved materials. Especially don't cut PVC, or other chlorinated materials. Incorrect materials may damage the lenses and/or the laser tube. ===== Before use checklists ===== Show which parts of the equipment should be checked before use: * Check the extractor is working * Check the chiller is on and below 21C ===== Operation of the equipment ===== Operation of the equipment is done in 2 stages detailed in the sections below. ==== Using the Lasercut software ==== Demonstrate the process of using the PC software. - Switch on computer & Log in with password from your induction. - Open LASERCUT53 (from taskbar) and enter password again. - Import your DXF File (File > Import) & Check dimensionality using the 'size' button (10th down on left toolbar). - Set your power and speed settings using the 'layer' pane in the top-right. - Unite the lines (Tools > Unite Lines). - Set the 'knife origin' position relative to your drawing (5th button from right on top toolbar), then switch back to normal 'pick' mode (6th button from left on top toolbar). ==== Using the laser cutter ==== Demonstrate the usage of the laser cutter. Pick a random member to go through the process too. - Turn on isolator on the wall to power up the laser. Check chiller and extractor start up, and that the laser datums (moves to the back right corner). - Put your material in the laser bed. - Download file to laser ('Download' button in bottom right, then 'Del all', then 'Download current'). - On laser controller move head to desired origin position (press 'ESC', use arrow keys, then press return key). - Lock in origin (press return key to bring up "set logic org", then press return again). - Set your bed heights (press 'Z', then use arrow keys, then press 'Z' again). - Check cut bounding box (press 'test'). - Press 'start' to make your cut. - After the cut, WAIT at least 10 seconds for the smoke to clear before opening the lid or powering down. ===== Shutdown and tidy up ===== Demonstrate the steps required to put the equipment back into a standard, safe, and tidy configuration: * Remove and take home any laser skeletons. * Clean up and bin any small pieces. * Power down the laser by turning the isolator on the wall. ===== Closing points ===== Various information available on the Wiki: * Recommended software and how to export. * Allowed material list. * How to use the Lasercut software.